Últimas Noticias


Publicado en Noticias el Miércoles 15 de Febrero, 2017

Chacabuco Rises against Protectionism and Walls

Fuente: Chacabuco Rises against Protectionism and Walls – Prensa Latina

The celebration by Chile and Argentina of the 200 years of the battle of Chacabuco also served to emit clear signs of rejection of protectionism and the idea of rising walls.

Without direct mention, beyond the historical significance of the crusade of generals José de San Martín and Bernardo O’Higgins against the Spanish Crown, the date was used as a symbol of Latin American struggle.

This time the presidents of Chile, Michelle Bachelet, and Argentina, Mauricio Macri, showed that the concern with protectionist tendencies of the United States and Europe is a shared feeling.

The initiative to convene a summit of chancellors and economy ministers of the Common Market of the South (Mercosur) and the Alliance of the Pacific in April was held at Colina, 55 kilometers from the capital.

Chile currently heads the Pacific Alliance (Chile, Peru, Colombia and Mexico) and Argentina heads Mercosur, with the other members of Uruguay, Paraguay, Venezuela, and Brazil.

The veiled or vertical references to measures of the US president, Donald Trump, stand out in a document called the Declaration of Chacabuco.

The rejection appears to be against measures prompted by Trump, such as his withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Economic Cooperation Agreement (TPP), his migration veto to seven Muslim-majority countries and his intention to build a wall on the Mexican border.

Bachelet, who made a stop on his holiday to appear on the scene, was quite incisive in his remarks about Washington’s case with Mexico.

‘200 years ago we realized that not even a natural wall thousands of meters high can be an impassable barrier to the desire for freedom and encounter that encourages free people and peoples,’ he said.

In Buenos Aires last December, Bachelet and Macri signed several agreements and memoranda of understanding, to give a new impetus to bilateral ties.

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